Contact the Office of Dr. Steve Hruby
Chiropractic Medical Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ
Dr. Steve Hruby and his medical team bring a diverse set of experience and expertise to diagnose and treat complicated health problems. As a forward-thinking family chiropractic center, they are able to apply non-invasive solutions which are less costly, but as effective, than traditional medications and surgical techniques.
Contact Form
Contact Info & Hours
15300 N 90th St #950,
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(480) 930-9734
Our Hours
Monday: 10AM-1PM, 3-6PM
Tuesday: 3-6PM
Wednesday: 10AM-1PM, 3-6PM
Thursday: 10AM-1PM, 3-6PM
Friday: Closed
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
No Walk-ins – Appointments Only
Forms submitted during business hours get a response very quickly. If we’re closed, we’ll reach out as soon as we’re back.
📍 15300 N. 90th St, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
📩 Text us: 480-941-2147